The moment we start dealing with it, we understand that we have got ourselves into a real big mess. The pressure to compete and perform, sits on our head 24/7 and we are always concerned about our performance. Yes, we like the option of living a very lavish lifestyle, decorated by our father's hard earned money, but the concept of education does not fascinate us much, does it?
Being a part of this generation, I have learnt one very important thing. The generation gap between the 70s and the beginning of this century is HUGE. We have had nonsense people everywhere and they have existed even before the day KARL MARX started to confuse people.
At the age of 10/11, we, human being (read clueless-pupils), have an urge to know a lot of things. Most of them are related to our sexual organs and how they should "(mal)function". But other than that, we also tend to have interest towards other subjects. Some have interest towards sports, some have interest towards history while the rest fantasizes themselves of being a pilot. Oh well! I wanted to be a pilot too. But my aunt manipulated me with the concept that a pilot flies a plane upside down. My ambitions came straight down to being a rickshawala. "SAFE and SECURE+down to earth [literally]."
I have never been a bright student who had a tendency of getting good marks at a consistent basis. The only subject I used to score above 80 was mathematics. But enough of my bragging stories, lets get straight to the point.
What I mean to say that EDUCATION for us, has become a subject of complain. But as they say, EDUCATION is supposed to enhance our knowledge, intellect and our presentation. Oh, they are correct, believe me!! But those who say it, do they really put that education in order to fulfill these motives? I don't think so.
EDUCATION, nowadays, have become a process of completing the syllabus in order to sit for the exam. In a 40 minute class, the teacher gives you a note of 5 pages, which takes up almost half an hour time. The remaining 10 she explains those 5 pages. 80% of the class turns out to be temporary DEAF-HEADS, the remaining 18% plans to gobble up when they go back home and the other 2% come from outer space and they actually understand what the teacher wanted to explain. Hence, the teacher gets her favorite student.
But why does all roads lead to ROME and hereby ROME, I mean EXAMS. I have been a tutor for almost 3 years now. All the student that I have "tried" to nurture, have something very common in them. They all had exams everytime I went over to their house. Schools have decided to take exams after every 2 months with the excuse that a child may not be able to take up the pressure of learning the entire syllabus and sit at the end of the year and appear for a complete year-exam.
Thereby, a student of 8 years old is more concerned about performing well in his semi-half yearly exam and is not bothered by the fact that he might forget what he learnt in February because he is too busy preparing for his exams which will be on September.
EDUCATION is knowledge, we hungry bunch of kids, are always trying to know something or the other in our lives. The urge to know about the gaming world has been doomed as addiction and illogical by our seniors. WHY? As if the entire PARENT dynasty has never smoked a cigarette.
Oh, btw, did I tell you that when children are asked to NOT DO something, they actually end up doing it? Oh, you already knew that?
Now lets move on.
WE, are terrified and angry at the concept of EDUCATION. We are pressurized to complete our syllabus in order to get good marks in our exams and THAT'S IT. That is the only reason why we are asked to go to school? That's the reason why almost the entire children dynasty who dream of becoming something different one day, end up studying engineering, medical in order to have a secure lifestyle? They end up giving bank exams so that they get something to feed themselves?
The word AMBITION should be politely asked to FUCK OFF from the dictionary, cause there will be children, everytime they are born, who will keep dreaming of becoming something different and a day will come when they won't be afraid of "pursuing their dreams" instead of appearing for IIT JEE.
I'd hereby calm my voice down. EDUCATION is important. And we are always seeking for some kind of knowledge or the other. With EDUCATION, exams are necessary too. Exams are important, but they should not become the most important thing. A job of a student is that he should not be forced to WORK. Leave a guy inside a library and provide him with some pizzas. He will end up gobbling up a book which he finds to be the most interesting. Let the student chose his/her subject of interest and nurture him with what he/she wants to become. Don't provide him with options because a child's mind thinks beyond what a teacher provides him/her with. Let them love it. Don't spoil the enthusiasm.

We all have something in our mind. Something that we think, if we can achieve we can be a millionaire. If we aim for being a millionaire, I am sure, even if we don't get to become one and we try our level best of becoming one, we will end up being happy. Because you know why? Because it was our dream that we were allowed to pursue and we gave our 100% in it.
Heres to hoping for a more excited world trying to live their life in the most legal yet adventurous way!!