I realised I was getting old and boring. Well, even a year ago, my come back words got me loads of likes on Facebook. Well at that age, it was quite an achievement. The comments I made, probably had more likes than the post itself. Well who doesn't like to have over 30 likes in your comment, that too in the year 2013?
But then again, where exactly did that take me? Or rather make me? Facebook smart? Witty?
These days, the only come back I make, is to home from college at 7 pm, get all the notes updated in my desktop and do all the boring works a guy of 21 can possibly do. A personal life that does not exist and is just supported by a dizzy pair of eyes that is always trying to notify me how tired I am supposed to be everyday. But somehow this life makes a lot more sense than the street smart one. Well, as publicly opinionated I have been tagged uninteresting by a lot of women. Thank god, I haven't heard the same from my male friends because that will be a very low point in my life. They are smart enough to keep that adjective away from me.
Anyway, life seems pretty monotonous now. A superpower that acts as a strong repulsive force against women. Not that I am trying to find one, but I don't see anyone loitering around me either. With the everlasting unpleasant face to show off, the attitude is right now acting as an icing on top. Anyway, before this write up turns out to be another whining and pms-esque one, I'd prefer to change the direction at once.
Indian 'turns' 68 today. Communist are still saying we are not completely independent and I am, on the other hand, getting tagged in several pictures. Something funny is happening out there. With Indian flags becoming Whatsapp DPs and people sharing patriarchal pictures all over Facebook. I am a 21 year old kid who claims to be a very grown up man, has done SHIT for this country. Oh BTW, this country has also done SHIT for me. But I neither complain 364 days a year nor do I change my DP on the 365th day of the year and here the 365th day is actually the 15th day of August.
Too much of explanations? Sorry. :( We have exceptions in this smart world.
With the very little I have done in my life, I stand at a particular point, every Sunday, trying to figure out how bigger can I make it. Well, whoever is reading this, just a hint of fact for you. LIFE IS SUPPOSED TO BE SHIT. It's written in the stars as well as on the sexy lady's arse you keep staring at. All you have to do, is spend your life. trying to prove how wrong this statement is. No matter how disgusting, depressing or boring you think people perceive you, if you are fully concentrated, you will have plenty of time to laugh at other people. And you know what's the best part? You won't spend a single second doing that because you will be busy doing what you love and nothing else would matter.
This write up probably doesn't make any particular sense. You are free to praise. You will, however, be charged if you complain. Ha ha. kidding. See you in the next article.
Good night. :)
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