Tuesday, 10 December 2013


Jodi tor daak shune keo na ashe..
Tobe Ekla Cholo re....

When Rabindranath Tagore wrote this song, he probably did not realize how beautiful and important will it mean to those around the world who are determined to prove a point. A point which needs to be proved not to anybody else, but to that person himself.
Being a guy, the concept of love seems to be extremely attractive when you start knowing about it. A mere attraction towards the opposite genders makes you believe that you are in love. Your very first crush or infatuation, as they describe it, seems to be the love of your life and even with the limited amount of resources you are provided at the age of 15, you think you can do anything and everything to make your crush happy. 
But it doesn't work out to be like that. You take a lot of time to propose your first crush. You start stammering and get extremely nervous when you are about to say "I Love you" for the first time. But when you reach 20, you realize how things have changed. No you don't tag them as wrong changes or anything negative but you understand that you have come a long way from getting nervous while pronouncing those 3 "supposed to be" magical words.
In those 5 years, from saying "aaaaaai lalalalalalalove ewwww", you now touch a woman's private part without any urge to say that phrase again. It was difficult to express that feeling to your first crush. Now touching and exploiting a woman's body is a piece of cake for you.

Do you like this change? 
>If the answer was supposed to be honest, then the answer is NO. 
But why not? You are getting what every man craves for. To touch a woman and not getting any emotional reactions from her.
>Because even when everything seems so easy, the feeling of being in love always reminds you of happiness. 

Whoever has been in love will admit that it sometimes kills you. Not because you have to blame a person for your sadness but every sane human being become insane when they are in love. Expectations, reactions start escalating in a manner like it becomes extremely difficult for you to control every god damn thing that kills you. 

But it's alright. It's supposed to be alright. Is there any other option other than being alright? Nope. 
The concept of love never disappointed you. You were always young at heart and no matter how many times you had a heartbreak you never stopped giving up. "This time it's going to work and I know it". Even if it didn't, you were already looking forward to the next "adventure".

You are not looking forward now. Neither are you interested in experiencing the adventure anymore. The concept of that vague word disgusts you so much. 

But you have a love interest in your life? So what. If you are supposed to be in love, aren't you supposed to expect things from her. At least a love in return? But you don't do that. So technically, to the world, you are not in love and to yourself the concept of love seems pathetic now. So 2+2 = 4 and you are officially ready to not worry about women anymore, leave aside touching them just for the sake of satisfying your private organ.

You seem to hang on to your possible last love. Although you are unaware of your future, this very girl seems to be the only hope. A hope that's in not related to your miserable prediction of a lonely life but a hope that will keep everything intact. You future plan, your ambitions.. You think everything will turn out well and you will achieve everything if she stays in your life. 

But then again, it's a matter of time when she will leave. For how long will songs inspire you? For how long will you need to inspire yourself? She wants something that you can never provide. Maybe you could have earlier, but you can't provide it anymore. 

So where does that leave you? You have sorted out your plans. You are ready to work hard when the right time comes and it ain't far away! Are you going to wait? Do you wish for something better from her side? Maybe.

Even after 5 years, with all the limited resources provided to you, you think you can do anything and everything to make her happy. You just need her to tell you she is your's.

~~Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky are like shooting stars?
I can really use a wish right now...~~

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