Wednesday 11 December 2013


As I stayed on the phone listening to her silence..
She spoke to me, as if she was standing at quite a distance..

I heard her breaths, her deep little breaths..
I heard her talk to me in her dream..
She called me my name, but I replied to her..
I called her back, she smiled with a beam..

As I now hear her talk to me..
As she quietly rests her mind in her pillow...
I keep smiling with the pretty thoughts of her.
Thoughts that are submerged way below..

But doesn't she look gorgeous even now?
With the least bit of care that bothers her..
Doesn't she look to be the most beautiful one?
With the happiness that belongs only to her!!

Sleep, little dear, keep sleeping with peace in your mind..
Dream of little beauties that you had left behind..

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