Monday 23 February 2015


"Onekdin por"

As he got down from the train, Rohan realized that the moment is finally here. All his plans and predictions on staying away from it, is finally going to end. He was afraid that his life might take a very wrong turn. A turn that he might regret soon. But the excitement to see her for the first time vanquished over such paranoia.
It was quite difficult for Rohan to swiftly follow up with his crowd dodging skill, something that was terribly affected by sheer nervousness and the urge to present himself in his best body language. Although, the sweaty palms and the sloppiness didn't help him much as Rohan took his time and allowed the entire world to go ahead of him. It was as if he was waiting for everyone to clear out from the platform. What hit him exactly? Why was he so nervous? Why did he have to look perfect, even after a 20 hour long journey? Hadn't he already stopped doing that?
Staying away from it wasn't even an issue for Rohan. For a long time it did not matter to him whether there was anyone to lean his head onto. His past made him strong. Strong enough to not look for happiness. Strong enough to make him believe that happiness is he, himself.

Just as he saw her making her way down the crowded station, Rohan kept staring at her as if nothing wrong has ever happened in his life. The sheer beauty that came closer to him, made him forget all the wrong memories he had till now. The plan to act smart and give her a welcome hug failed quite miserably as he only managed to somehow end up giving a side hug to her.

A strength she became.
A strength he didn't expect..
A strength she gifted him..
A strength that once kept him wrecked.

With hope in his heart, Rohan promised her that she will never walk alone...

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